Saturday, July 30, 2005

Fuck Penn and Teller

"Let's get one thing clear: Penn and myself would strangle every monkey on the planet if it meant saving the life of one AIDS victim." -Penn Juliet

Their Show, Bullsh**, is nothing more than propaganda. The formula is simple, pick a topic, find two polar opposite points of view, align yourself with one of them, and choose the most unflattering footage of the other to disparage them, while elevating whatever footage of the side you agree with to the point of "expert" opinion, with no actual evidence to support this elevation of source. In the
Peta episode, a talk show host is elevated above a chair of a philosophy department. You do not need to be Derrida to read between the lines here.

To return to Penn's quote above, I need to say he is a coward, because he suffers from nothing more serious than megalomania and obesity and doesn't have to make a decision about strangling monkeys (luckily). A truly brave man is
Richard Pryor. He suffers from MS, and actively campaigns for animal rights, and supports SHAC, refuses to accept the assumption that the suffering involved in animal testing is a validated by the cure of a human disease, even a disease that will most probably kill him.


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